Sunday, October 21, 2012

Shoot. Its been a reallyyyyyyyy long time since I have updated.... I was never really good at keeping diaries either.

So to update my progress, last I weighed in (which was probably about two months ago) I was down a total of 12% body fat from when I began. I'm into a size 11-12 for the first time in my life and all the new bras I bought a few months ago no long fit me. Well.. none of my clothes fit me. Ya win some, ya loose some!

With it having been summer, it wasn't really a cake walk. There's temptation everywhere, and I definitely gave in a time or two.. or three or four. But I always make sure to kick up the cardio a bit. Some weeks were (are) easier than others, that's for sure. I wouldn't say I "fell of the band wagon," I just had a hard time keeping my hands and sometimes feet inside the vehicle.

On the 25th, it will mark the seventh month from when I began this life changing journey. And oh, how life has changed! You find out who really supports you, who is jealous of you and find people that share your same journey and develop healthier relationships with those that are and will be there for you. People often confuse health and vanity.. and once vanity gets involved, shit is guaranteed to hit the fan. People who are threatened by your changing and success will consciously or subconsciously do anything to keep you from succeeding. Hopefully these are things that you can recognize from the beginning and cut them out of your life. Changing your life and being healthy is hard enough. Having someone constantly trying to bring you down makes it a thousand times more difficult. Surround yourself with positive and motivating people. People that support you. People that inspire you. People that are going to love you for YOU. No matter how awesome you become. Never ever let someone who is envious of you and your success keep you from being the person you strive to be. And that goes for anything you do in life. Not just your health. If you want to just be happy, don't be around someone that's going to mope and whine all day. If you want to exceed your career, don't hang out with someone that is going to sit on the couch all day expecting to win the lottery. As much as it sucks at the moment, rid your life of those people. The most important person in your life is YOU.

..... Kinda got a little carried away for a second.. Not like I was talking from experience or anything..............

Anyway. The 25th. Hoping to get some measurements taken and possibly some new pictures. I've began working with a new trainer. I don't think there has been a day since I began training with him that I haven't been sore. I've learned to live with it. I don't expect that to ever go away!

I've recently made a solid decision to compete in a fitness competition in the spring. I'll be competing in the Bikini division. This is going to completely change my life. There are going to be weeks, I'm going to be a complete bitch. There are going to be weeks I'm a total ditz. Or nut job. Or an emotional wreck. But I'm ready for it. I'm ready to be in the best shape and health of my life! Hopefully everyone will still love me! And I swear to you all now. If anyone says to me, "You're getting too skinny,, you should stop."..... You'll probably get punched in the throat. I will be eating 5-6 times a day. Drinking mass amounts of water. I will not be starving myself, depriving my body of nutrition or puking up anything I'll be eating. My trainers will push me, but not kill me. I'm fully confident that this will be a wonderful experience in the end.

Hopefully I will be updating on the regular again. And hopefully you all will still be following me!