Monday, April 9, 2012

Eat more, loose more!!

So today I had my second weigh in. Result were not as drastic this time around, but still very much okay with me. I'm down to 180 lbs... That's only 1.5 down from last time, BUUUT!! I did loose 3 lbs (1.5%) of fat which I was pretty pumped about that!

This last week was a bit of a struggle. There were a couple nights I worked out super hard and it tuckered me out. I ended up falling asleep before I could get my last meal in. And then there were a couple days I just wasn't hungry at all, but forced myself to eat. Brooke told me, and I agreed, that I could have lost even more if I had eaten all of my meals.

FIVE MEALS A DAY?!?! Seems like a ridiculous amount, I know. But turns out, eating once a day is sooooooo bad for you. Sure, you may loose weight. But that's your muscle peacing out and that's the stuff you want on your body. Just so I didn't look like I was talking out of my ass, I googled it.
That website seemed to have the best response to my question and concerns. Eating once a day totally screws up your metabolism. Leaving you extremely tired and eventually slowing down your body from loosing the weight you want. You should be eating around five times a day. And not going out five times a day. You want to be eating lean meats and veggies. And a whole grainy carb a couple times. Not a whole loaf french bread. Now, I LOVE FRUIT. So I eat a serving a fruit before I go work out. I get my fruit craving out of the way and then go burn the sugar off in my work out.

This biggest battle for me is going out to eat. I have one of the most absurd, hectic schedules you will probably ever see. And it is sooo easy for m to just go through a drive through or have someone deliver me something glorious. I have to constantly check myself and remind myself that my health is so much more important than saving myself that extra 15 minutes. What that food is made of is not even real... well. Its real. Obviously. But its all MAN MADE. Lacking nutrition. Full of sodium and bad sugar and parts of animals you should not be eating. Take that extra 15 minutes to prepare multiple meals. To last you a couple days. Not only are you saving yourself (which should be the most important), but you're also saving your gas and your money. You win all around!!

Another problem I'm having is drinking all my water. I did really well the first week, but definitely slipped a little. I downloaded this app on my phone called, Water Your body. It vibrates every time I should have some water in. You can customize the type of cup you are drinking out of to make things easier. Every time I drink a full 16 oz. Starbucks cup of water, I "add" a cup and I'm good to go.

Today and tomorrow, I will be figuring out way to improve in both these areas. I've already put in my calender what times I need to eat everyday and have set alarms for each meal. As for my water, I purchase another plastic cup to keep at work so I can keep track of exactly how much I'm drinking at home and at work.

It's only two weeks in and I'm already half way to my goal of how much fat I wanted to loose. I'm shooting for another 2-3 weeks and I will have met that goal and will be on to the next one!


  1. What times do you set your alarms for and how much/often water?

  2. I have my first meal set for 9 am and my fifth and last at 9pm. That's every three hours. All my clients know I'm doing this, so they know I'll have food at anytime that I'm muching on. There are some days where my meals run into my workouts, but I can just adjust them accordingly.

  3. You should be eating every two-three hours!

  4. and you said carbs for 1st and 3rd meal? I just got the water app because that is a HUGE issue for me. Think I'm going to start making these small adjustments and start doing my Jillian Michaels work out dvd and then ease myself into the 45 day challenge so I don't fall over dead lol

  5. Yes! How much I eat in my meal plan, was made for me. But I have a 1/2 cup of brown rice. You could do oatmeal in the morning, but I hate it so I don't. Egg whites are much better for you than a whole egg. The main reason I did the 45 day challenge was to keep myself accountable. I reeeeeally bad at cheating.

  6. I need the 45 day challenge to get my butt kicked. I slack off and make excuses for not exercising so I def need someone to hold me accountable as well. It would def help to have something customized for my body so I'll eventually have to get to it. I'm so glad you're doing this, you're motivating me!!! :)

  7. Way to go! This sounds really awesome too! Keep it up!

  8. I'm so happy to hear that I'm motivating people!!!!

    And thanks Raquel!
