Monday, April 16, 2012

I can't... so I won't!!!!

Down THREE more lbs of fat! Holler!

But that's not really important this week. Something I learned about myself at my training session last week is I have a habit of saying, "I can't do that."


I'm fully capable of doing many many things. And so are you.

"I can't eat five times a day, my schedule doesn't let me." BULL. If I was smart and could screen copy my schedule or whatever it is you cool people call that, I would. I have one of the most effed up schedules you will ever see. And I seem to manage. Now.. I'm NOT perfect by any means. I've gotten a talking or five about when I should be eating. Today, Brooke told me I'm not allowed to eat after 7 pm.......I'm usually awake until about midnight. F. M. L. I know by about 9:30-10:00 when I'm done working out, I'm gonna want to eat everything in America. But I also know my body will adjust. So I'll just deal with it for a week.

"I can't do lunges, it hurts." Uuuuh... no shit, it hurts. The first week I did Monday's boot camp... I couldn't walk for FOUR DAYS. Sitting down to pee was THE BIGGEST challenge of my life. But I was there the next week, doing it all over again. And the next. And then today. The more you do it, and do it right, the easier it gets. Practice does NOT make perfect. Practicing right does.

"I can't drink that much water... its impossible!!" Oh its possible. You may have to pee every 30 minutes but its possible.

"I can't eat the same thing everyday" Its not the same. Don't be over dramatic. "But I have other people to cook for." Cool... Get over it. As Brooke always says to me, let them be unhealthy. You're doing this FOR YOU.

Are you seeing a pattern here.... Excuses. Yes, they are just like ass holes. Everyone is going to have them. YOU have to decide how you want to live your life. Healthy and happy?! Or full of excuses and negativity?! As soon as you decide to take the chance and stop making stupid excuses for yourself, you will be opened up to a whole new world.

Not only am I getting my beach bod, but I'm also learning so much about myself. All the crap I was doing, feeding myself, stupid shit I was dealing with and letting get to me. I'm over it all. Once you stop with the excuses, it all changes and unfolds from there.


  1. I'd love to see before and after pictures each week, just to see the difference every week :)

  2. Lol! There will pics when I'm finished!!!
